Newbies Guide to Doctor Who
The Deviant Strain
Author: Jacqueline Rayner
ISBN: 0 563 48627 5
Published: September 2005
Editor: Justin Richards
Placement: Probably between The Long Game and The Empty Child.
Links: A standalone story |
Doctor: |
The Ninth 
The ninth Doctor wears a leather jacket and has short hair and big ears. He has a love of life, as well as a sadness about him. His home planet of Gallifrey was destroyed in a war. |
Companions: |
Rose Tyler 
Rose Tyler is a 19-year old girl from London c.2005. In Rose (Series 1), she was working in Henrik's department store when the ninth Doctor was investigating Auton activity in the store, and blew it up. In the events that followed this, Rose helped the Doctor defeat the Nestene Consciousness's attempt to take over the world, and he offered her a chance to travel in the TARDIS, leaving behind her mum, Jackie, and boyfriend Mickey. In The End of the World (Series 1), the Doctor took her to the far future to see the day the Earth is destroyed. During this trip, he upgraded her mobile phone, tying it into the TARDIS, so that she can call home no matter where or when she is. |
Captain Jack Harkness |
Jack is a time traveller from the 51st Century. In The Empty Child (series 1), he saw Rose hanging off a barrage balloon during the Blitz, and saved her life. In The Doctor Dances (series 1), his ship was almost blown up, the Doctor saved him, and he joined the TARDIS crew. |
Recurring Characters: |
None. |
Recommended Viewing: |
In The Doctor Dances (Series 1), the Doctor and Jack had a conversation about Jack's cons. These cons were along the lines of timing the sale of a worthless object at the site of Pompeii and timing it so that the object is destroyed on "Volcano day", so that the victim never realises he's been conned. |
Recommended Reading: |
None. |
Recommended Listening: |
None. |
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